For all you moms and dads- heres a greatt freebie from playtex- if you know these bottles you know they are great! Get your free sample here!!
Free two week trial of dannon activia yogurt
Here a great freebie- but you have to qualify for the freebie first via questionaire!
Free Petsmart – Free Goods Event on 04/22 6pm-8pm
Awesome freebie for you and your pets!!! Find it all here!
Most Petsmart locations on April 22nd between 6pm and 8pm will be giving out free stuff for your pets.
– Free goodie bag
– Free prizes
– Free digital photo with frame of you and your pet
Check out all the free details here!!
Boston Market – $3.00 Off $10.00 Coupon Until 04/25/08
This is a great freebie coupon for Boston Market is offering a $3.00 off a $10.00 or more purchase
You DON’T have to work in Administration to use this coupon.
Expires April 25, 2008
Find your free coupon here!!
Free Pentel 12-Color Oil Pastel Set
Here is a great freebie for all yoru art lovers or just anyone whoe loves frees stuff!!
Pentel Arts is giving away a free 12 color oil pastel set per household address. Check out the freebie here!
Offer expires 4/30/08
– Promotional code SA2008
3 Free Packets of Herbal from Yogi Tea
Heres a great freebie of a free sample for all yoru tea drinkers!
Fill out this survey and they will send you the samples. Enjoy
Free Sample of Tide with Dawn StainScrubbers
Tide is giving out a free sample of New Tide with Dawn StainScrubbers TM.
Look for it in your mailbox in 6 to 8 weeks. This is an awesome freebie!!
Free 1LB of Land O Lakes Butter in 8 Half Sticks After Rebate
Land O Lakes is offering their one package of 1LB of Butter in 8 half sticks for free after rebate.
Expires 10/15/08
1. Purchase one package of 1lb. Land O Lakes Butter in 8 Half Sticks between 04/15/08 – 10/15/08 and keep your receipt
2. Fill out this reabte
Free 30-Days Worth of Cat / Dog Food from Purina
Purina is offering free 30-days worth of cat/dog food
1. You must Copy and Paste this link for the offer to work
2. Just login if you are a member or sign up/register if you are new. This offer is good for both old/new members.
Free 2.5 oz. Sample of Starbucks Coffee
Click on ‘explore our coffees’, then on ‘enjoy a complimentary sample’ top right corner
Free T- Shirt !!!
Free T-Shirt from Profilepod
Pre Sign-up now and receive an absolutely FREE t-shirt at launch! Hurry, this is a limited time offer and it won’t last long! So what are you waiting for? Sign up now! Free as free can be!!
Click here!!
Free Sample of Dove Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner
Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Available to U.S. Residents only. Limit one sample per household. You must be 18 or older to receive this sample.
Link to Offer
FREE 4.5oz Parent’s Choice Organic w/Lipids Baby Formula Sample
For all you new moms and dads like us here is a great freebie- its a free sample of Parents choice formula- and we all know how expensive this can be- so enjoy this freebie!
Sign up today and receive a 4.5 oz sample of new Parent’s Choice Organic baby formula!
Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing and delivery of your sample.
Free Replacement Rivets for Crocs Shoes
Free rivets for cute shoes!! This is a sure fire freebie-enjoy this free sample!
Log in and request free rivets here
15 Free 4×6 Prints at Walgreen’s — April 15
Free $5 Kohl’s Gift Card
Sign-up for the deal alerts and the card comes right to your inbox! Whats a better freebie than free money for shopping!
(EXPIRED) Free ~ Custom Beach Towel from Parliment ~ code included
Here is a really really great freebie that has gotten a lot of positive feedback! If you love free stuff like i do- here is something that will make a great addition to any freebie collection!!
Customize your own beach towel (4 designs to choose from)
If you are already a member, sign up again and it recognizes you.
(EXPIRED-but you can still request a sample) Free Address Mailing Labels
Free Address Mailing Labels & Seals
click on “labels & seals,” pick the one you like, enter your information. At checkout enter coupon code “WBCFLS” and it is free including free shipping
Free Money From Online Surveys That Really Pay!!
Besides getting tons of freebies and samples, I love doing online surveys that pay cold hard cash- here are just a few online surveys that are tried and true!
Pinecone — New Pinecone link. –They send you a check when you do a survey. Pretty simple. They haven’t emailed me that many, but I get one from them every once in a while. — They give out varying rewards for surveys including Cash, Prepaid Phone Cards, Gift Certificates, etc and also some of their surveys also just enter you in drawings for big rewards. I generally only bother with the ones that give a definitive prize rather then just entry in a drawing.
There is also You can take survey’s and make money. My wife has about $80 in her account and I have about $16. It is real cash and you can request a check be sent to you at any time. Most of there surveys don’t guarantee you will get anything though. Most of them are, if you are the first xxx person to do the survey you will get xxx amount or it is you will be entered into a drawing to win xxx amount.
Also there is American Consumer Opinon. When you complete surveys they send you a check every time. I have made prob around $40 or so doing surveys. I don’t get survey requests to often, but when I do I have always gotten a check in the mail. The amounts range from $4 – $6 or so.
Free Appetizer/Dessert at TGI Fridays
Here’s a yummie freebie
TGI Fridays is offering a free appetizer/dessert when you sign up on their site.
– Click here and sign up. Coupon will arrive via email about 24 hours from confirmation.
Just To Introduce Myself..
To all of you who thought this site was dead, have no fear Alyssa is here! I am absolutely the queen of getting awesome freebies- and that’s great for you since I’ll do all the work for you and you can just reap the benefits, and see your mailbox getting full of free samples, freebies and coupons! I have been freebie hunting for almost 10 years and my closets are full of tons of samples and freebies that I have collected over the years (just ask Ross). Just to get things started heres a great freebie-Uniball is giving out a free Sanford Uni-Ball Gel Pen. Click here—This freebie is pretty sweet- cuz these pens are awesome- enjoy and happy freebie-ing!!
Free Stuff Finder Back in Business!
Ok, after a long drought of very little freebies i have some good news! This blog will will resume with regular freebies as my wife will start posting freebies. The good news for you, she is the freebie QUEEN! I am just an impostor. So you will start getting some real quality freebies very often. I will still try and post every now and then as well.
With out further ado…
Free 2GB USB Bracelet From Microsoft
This seems like a really cool freebie from Microsoft. I don’t know much about it, but i saw it posted on so i thought i would share it here. Get your free 2GB USB bracelet here: