Get a free sample pen for your business. Get this free custom pen with your business name here Of course, you can always start your home business now and start getting free pens (wink, wink). Enjoy this free pen!
Free sample pen for business
5 Fantastic freebies!
As you can imagine, my schedule is a little crazy with the new baby, so I figure I would take this free time to post five freebies at one time just to make sure your getting your freebie fill. So here are the great freebies for today:
Free Sample Acne Rosacea Skincare from Beauty Naturally – For free sample Email:
Free game magazines! Get 12 free issues of Electronic Gaming Monthly and Games for Windows
Free sample of Country Bob’s all-purpose sauce
Free sample of yummy chummies doggy treats
enjoy the freebies!
Free $25 Ashley Furniture gift card winner
And the winner of the free $25 Ashley Furniture gift card is…
Monica Leiva
Congrats Monica. You have 48 hours (until Friday morning at 11am central time) to make a comment on this post. After that I’ll contact you for your address.
If Monica does not claim by the deadline I’ll pick a new winner.
If you are not currently signed up to my gift card giveaways you can do so here
Free “I Love My Dog” rubber bracelet

This isn’t a total freebie:
We’ll send you a FREE I Love My Dog Rubber Bracelet
if you send us a self addressed envelope with 58 cents postage.
No purchase necessary!
Get this almost freebie here:
2 free luggage tags from

Here is a great freebie for when you travel this holiday season. Get two free luggage tags from Get this great freebie here:
Free sample of 3M Post-it flags

Now that we are starting to settle in a bit it’s time to get back to posting freebies again! Here is a great freebie for anyone in school or working (that’s almost everyone). But truth is that this freebie is useful in every day home life as well. Get a free sample of post-it flags from 3M. these are great for labeling and bookmarking. Get this great free sample here:
Baby pics of Michaela Belle Gordon on
As promised here are some pics to the new member of the family: Michaela Belle Gordon. (We call her Caley for short). These pictures are in my Snapfish album. You may need to be a member of Snapfish to see them.
If your not a member, Snapfish is free. Plus new customers get 20 free prints when they upload their first photo. I really recommend signing up. Click here to sign up and get 20 free prints.
Once you’re signed up you can check out all the great pics of my new baby girl in my snapfish album.
The baby follow-up
Hey everyone!
So we just got home from the hospital and i saw all the wonderful comments and my wife and i are so appreciative for everyones kind words. I just wanted to thank everyone really quickly before i get back to setting up the house a bit.
I also wanted to let you know i’ll post pictures, details and the name over the weekend. I’ll also get back to posting freebies then so hang in there!!
thanks again!
My wife had a baby!
Yup! It happened! Our baby girl was born at around 11am this morning. It’s out first one.! We’ll be at the hospital until thursday so i wont have any freebies for a few days. Sorry! I just came home to pick up some things…
iWon: Cash & Prizes for playing free games

Just found a very cool website where you can win cash and prizes for playing free computer games. It’s called iWon games. Basically you sign up to iWon games and then you get access to play their free games.
Since I don’t have much free time I haven’t been able to spend a ton of time with it to give a really thorough review. But if you like computer games than it is definitely something worth checking out.
Go to and Sign up to start playing free computer games for cash and prizes at iWon now.
7 free Mr. T ringtone downloads from Snickers-Funny!

Here is a really funny freebie. Snickers is giving away free ringtone downloads. But aren’t your average free ringtones. These free ringtones are clips of none other than Mr. T! These free ringtones are really funny! There are 7 free ringtone downloads to choose. From. My favorite is “Ring ring sucka!”.
Get your free ring tones here: To get the free ringtones just make sure to click the “downloads” button on bottom. Enjoy!
Free $25 gift card for Ashley Furniture contest

It’s time to give away another free $25 gift card to Ashley Furniture. I got this Ashley furniture gift card from my mother in law, but there isn’t one near me so I figured I should give it away on this site for free.
Before you participate in this contest please make sure there is actually an Ashley Furniture store near you. Here is the store locator.
This Ashley furniture card does not have an expiration date on it and I called Ashley Furniture and they said it is valid. So I don’t have a reason to think it won’t work.
Free Ashley Furniture Gift Card Contest Rules:
1. Subscribe to my website via my monthly gift card giveaway
2. Put “Ashley Furniture Gift Card” in the title of the email (If you are already a subscriber then just send me and email to and be sure to indicate in the body that you are already a subscriber in my monthly gift card contest).
3. Stay tuned to the site over the next week or two as I will announce the winner of the free $25 Ashley Furniture gift card over the next few weeks.
That’s all. Good luck!!
Free sample of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee
Thanks Mary for emailing me this great free sample. Get a free sample of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. I believe Dunkin’ Donuts is starting to sell coffee in stores. So they are giving out this free sample freebie to promote it. Check out this great free sample here
Freebie Bausch & Lomb Wear&Care kit

Here is a great freebie for people who wear contacts. Get a free Wear&Care kit from Bausch & Lomb.
Free Bausch & Lomb Wear & Care Kit:
– 12 contact lens cases and lens replacement calendar stickers
– Wear&Care Program DVD
– Care and cleaning mirror sticker
– Coupon for savings on Bausch & Lomb ReNu MultiPlus® Multi-Purpose Solution
– A free sample of Bausch & Lomb ReNu® MultiPlus lubricating & rewetting drops
– Free trial certificate for Bausch & Lomb PureVision® contact lenses
– Information and savings on Bausch & Lomb Ocuvite® eye vitamin and mineral supplements
Get this freebie here:
Yet another 2 winners for the free gift card
So it seems like people don’t want to claim there free gift card. Only one of the last three winners announced did not claim it. So here are ttwomore winners:
Jessika Wright
Assia Mihova
I’ll give you a little more time. To claim your free gift card all you need to do is post a comment to this post. I’ll give you until 10pm central time on Sunday. Please claim them so I don’t have to keep choosing new winners!
Great deal on Palm Z Silverlit Mini RC Indoor Airplane
Now this is a cool toy! Check out this videos:
That’s the Palm Z Silverlit Mini RC Indoor Airplane. HobbyTron is having a great deal on it. It’s $35. But it normally costs $70.
and you will see it as one of the sale items at the top. Once you click on it you can scroll down to the bottom of that page and even get a buy 2 get one free deal. Thought I’d share.
Free Express Bit and Blade had or mug

Here is a cool freebie for tool lovers. Get a free Express Bit and Blade hat or mug here:
Free Ringtone Downloads for AT&T Wireless (Formerly Cingular)
Found this cool free ringtone offer. But you need to be with AT&T to get these free ringotnes. Since I am with Sprint, no free ringtones for me 🙁 .
But here are some of the free holiday ringtones you can get:
Jingle Bells
The Dreidel Song
Noche de Paz
AT&T customers can get these free ringtones by texting the word GIFT to the number 7230. Enjoy the free ringtones!
3 new free gift card winners
Three of the free gift card winners did not claim their prize by the deadline. So I have selected three new winners. They are:
-Tomasz P
-Phillip Croteau
-kaye Ramirez
Please post a comment to this post by 10pm Central time on Thursday, December 6th.
If you don’t do so I will select more winners.
Congrats to the other winners who already claimed their free gift from my free gift card giveaway:
Matthew Henrickson
Joey Steiper
Free sample spice pack and free recipes
(wow! they took this one down fast! This is no longer working)
Don’t have much time to write anything about this freebie. I have to get back to work. But you can get a free sample spice pack and free recipes here:
5 Free Gift Card winners for November
(reposting this so the winners have another chance to see before the deadline. I’ll contact everyone who posted their comment shortly)The gods have spoken. I have drawn the names of the 5 free $5.00 Best Buy gift card winners for November. And the winners are:
· Matthew Henrickson
· Lindsay M. James
· Joey Steiper
· Sharon Fogel
· Wanda Kendrick
To the winners: In order to win you MUST post a comment to this post by Tuesday at 10pm central time. If not I will draw new winners.
To everyone else: I will still be giving away gift cards every month, so you still have LOTS of chances to win. If you are not already signed up you can sign up for the free gift card here. If you are signed up, there is no need to sign up again. In fact, DON’T sign up again because if I see your email more than once I will delete ALL of them (no one likes cheaters).
Good luck next month as I will likely be giving away at least 2 gift cards (I am assuming I will have at least 200 subscribers).
Thanks everyone!
Free full episodes of Family Guy

Here is a cool freebie. Now I know this isn’t a tangible freebie that you can keep. And you could probably get these on YouTube or something. But the reason I’m sharing is because rarely can you find entire episodes of TV shows in as good quality as these free Family Guy episodes. Plus I just love this show. So I figured I would share with you. Watch the shows for free here:
Free stickers from SkullCandy

Get free stickers from SkullCandy. Get these cool free stickers here: Looks like a fun freebie.
3 free designer neckties ($7.95 S&H)

(Note: Please read the comments on this post before you sign up!)
Here is a semi-freebie that I found. Belisi Designer Neckties is giving away 3 free designer neckties, but you have to pay $7.95 shipping and handeling. But the way I look at it, $7.95 is a really great deal for 3 designer neckties (normally they would cost $129!!). And there are actually some pretty slick ties to choose from.
In addition to the free ties, you will automatically be entered to win a trip for two at the Belagio hotel in Las Vegas. That’s jut a bonus to the great deal on the ties.
Check out the ties you can choose from Belisi Designer Neckties website. Hope you get something nice!
(Try doing a google search for “Belisi Designer Neckties” and see what comes up. the ties are normally around $35 each!)