This is a great Halloween freebie for you. Here is a free coupon for a free bag of Halloween candy from K-Mart. This free bag of candy is worth $2.79. All you need to do is print this coupon for free candy and go to K-Mart and get your free Halloween candy. There is no signup or email address required! Here is where you can get the coupon for a free bag of Halloween candy:
Free Wendy’s T Shirt for college students
Here is a cool freebie for college students. Get a free Wendy’s t-shirt when you apply to be a Wendy’s underground agent. Only a number of positions are open so not everyone will get the free shirt. But it seems like something cool to check out. See for yourself here
Free sample of Boswellia 90
Here is an interesting free sample. Not sure what this is, but here is the info from the site:
“Boswellia 90â„¢–There simply is no better boswellia extract available on the market than the one from True Botanica. Breathe easier, have more joint flexibility, experience a better digestive function, have less allergic reactions and more. This nutritional supplement will help you maintain a new level of health and well being.â€
Get your free sample here
Free Sample of Calgon fragrances
Calgon has three new scents for women and you can get a free sample of them. Get your free sample of Calgon fragrance by clicking here! This free sample is for women
Free sample of L’Oreal Skin Genisis
Here is a great free sample of makeup. Get a free sample of L’Oreal Skin Genisis. Just go to and click “samples†in the top right of the page (you can skip the intro). Enjoy the free sample!
Free personalized liquor labels

Get up to 5 free personalized liquor labels of your favorite spirits. This is a great holiday party, or gift freebie. Get your free custom label here:
Free Toys R Us coupon for free toys
Here is another free Toys R Us Coupon for more free toys. Get a free 4 pack of playdoh or 24 free Crayola crayons with this free coupon. And remember, eating playdoh is not as healthy as you once thought it was. (Although I would imagine that it is a good source of carbs).
Free Sample of GoodNites Sleep Pants from Huggies

Here is a great free sample for people with young kids just starrting to potty train. (Or maybe even if you tend to have an accident from time to time. It’s ok. No reason to be ashamed 🙂 )
But seriously. This is a great free sample of GoodNites Sleep Pants from Huggies. For this freebie you need to register and answer a few short wuestions. But it’s worth it. Get the free sample at
I need your help!!
After about 6 months of helping you all get some free stuff I decided that it was my turn to ask you all to help me out a little!
So far the site has been going great. We have 140 subscribers. There are 58 members in our new Facebook group. Over a hundred people are playing the monthly Free Gift Card contest and we have had 4 winners so far. And 15 people installed the new Toolbar. But the best thing is that all of those numbers are growing every day. Plus I get lots of emails from you guys on how much you like the site. So I’m feeling really good about it right now.
But here is where you come in. I want the site to grow even more. The more readers I have the more time I can devote to it and the more free stuff I can post and the more free gift cards I can give away every month. So I wanted to ask you guys to help me make the site audience larger.
How can you do that? Here are a few ways:
· Blog about me! If you have a blog right a little snippet or review about my site. Let the world know what you like about it.
· Tell a friend! All you need to do is pass the word along to friends!
· Link to me from your website or MySpace Page.
· Join the “I Love Free Stuff†Facebook group and become a part of the community
· Stumble, Digg, Delicious my site! Add this site to your favorite social bookmarkingsite. Or ad this blog to your Technorati Favorites
· Post other freebies you find to the comments of one of my posts (as long as it’s not spam) I go through all the comments and manually approve them. If you send something I like, I’ll post it in your name!
· Talk about me on your radio show. (That’s what Tom Koziol did.)
· Subscribe for email updates (and get a chance to win a free gift card every month while you’re at it).
· Answer a Poll. On the left hand side of this site are random poll questions I wrote. These questions help me learn about my readers and what their interests are. That way I can post freebies that match your interests. I will also adjust my new “Great Deal Finder†in the right hand of this site to match categories of intrest.
Those are just a few ideas. Feel free to help out in any other ways you can think of! We can all make this site into something really great!
And again, thanks to all my readers who keep coming back for more freebies and thanks to everyone who has given me such great feedback!
Free sample of Jergens hand moisturizer

Jergens is giving out a free sample of their Jergens moisturizing collection. Here are the details for this free sample:
While supplies last. Please allow 8-10 weeks for delivery. Only available to residents of the continental U.S. Limit one free sample per household. Must be at least 18 years old to participate in free sample offer.
Get your free sample here:
Free $25 Ashley furniture gift card winner
The winner of the $25 Ashley Furniture gift card is Satomi S Davis. Congrats Satomi! I’ll email you today for your address.
Everyone else who played: Stay tuned because i believe i have one more of these somewhere and if i find it, i’ll give it away for free as well!
Free sample of SkinWear hand sanitizer

Here is a great free sample for all the germ-o-phobes out there. Ok, so I admit that just because you use hand sanitizer does not mean you have germophobia, but if you are one of those people who use it every 20 minutes then it may. Anyway, get this great free sample of hand sanitizer at
2 free bags of Dave and Thomas popcorn ($5.95 S&H)
Here is a free offer i saw on TV. Get 2 free bags of Dave and Thomas gourmet popcorn. This is not totally free because you have to pay $5.95 shipping & handeling. But it’s still a good deal. If you never had this popcorn before, it really is quite tasty. get this free popcorn at
Free $25 gift card to Ashley furniture contest

Hey everyone! I know it’s not the end of the month, but i have a $25 gift card to ashley furniture that i got from a friend. But the problem is that there is no Ashley furniture store near me. So i can’t use it. But i figure i would give it to one of my subscribers! So here is what you need to do if you want to try and win the card:
First please make sure there is an Ashley furniture store near you so you know if you can use this card. Check out the store locater.
Second, you need to make sure you are a subscriber to my site. You can sign up for this by clicking the “free gift card giveaway” tile on the left hand side of this site. That also has details for my monthly gift card giveaway (skip this step if you already are a subscriber)
Step three: Send an email titled “Ashley Gift Card Contest” to with your name in the email. You will get an auto-reply thanking you for signing up.
Step four: stay on the lookout over the next few days as i plan to announce the winner of this drawing in 2-3 days.
This will not take the place of my regular free git card giveaway at the end of the month. Also, i think i havd another $25 gift card to Ashley furniture, i just need to see if i can find it. If i find it i will auction that on the site as well…
good luck!
Free prepaid $10.00 MasterCard from Obopay

Obopay is giving a free prepaid $10.00 MasterCard when you sign up! There is no credit card needed and it is an easy one-step signup. This is a great free $10.00 to use any way you like. Check out this great freebie at
(This offer used to be for a free $5.00 card. But it i raised to $10.00 until 10/16/07 so i am reposting it!)
Top 100 blogs to help you find free stuff
The Frugal Panda has a great blog post titled “The Top 100 Blogs to Help You find Free Stuffâ€. This post has tons (100 to be exact) of great sites for free stuff. And look! My blog is number 9! Not bad considering I have only been around for 6 months. But the Frugal Panda mentions my “free game of the week†which is a feature I had a while ago. It was an embedded widget on my site with a free game. I got rid of it because I realized that there are many other great places to get free games and I figure I should stick to what I do best, free stuff! Plus i replaced that with other cool things like my free gift card giveaway. So check out the blog post and let me know what you think.
Lots of free baby stuff and baby coupons

Here is how to get a bunch of great free baby stuff and free coupons for baby stuff:
Bristol-Myers Multiple Birth Program 1800-422-2902 ask for coupons and samples.
H.J. HeinzConsumer Services 1-800-872-2229 Send coupons for baby products
Modial Industries 216-626-4490 Different gifts, some people get diaper genies
Carnation 800-242-5200 Carnation does not have a multiple program, but you can call every week or so and get coupons. They do have an Special Delivery Club for expectant mothers:1-800-547-9400, Carnation sends booklets on pregnancy, nutrition, formula coupons, samples, order forms for upcoming programs and other pamphlets.
Midas 800-621-0144 Midas dealers offer discounts on car sets. You can return the seats to Midas and get credit for services at any Midas shop.
Scott Paper Co.1-800-TEL-SCOTTwins-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye BabyTriplets-coupons for free Baby Fresh
and Wash a-bye BabyQuads-coupons for free Baby Fresh and Wash a-bye Baby
Ansa Bottle Co., 1-800-527-1096 Triplets or more only
Little Me, 1-800-533-5437/1-301-729-4488 Triplets or more only;
Mother’s Little Miracle, 1-310-544-7125 Triplets or more only;
One Step Ahead Catalog, 1-800-274-8440
COUPON for a FREE any size Baby Magic Product 1-800-228-7408
American Academy of Pediatrics 1-800-433 9016 Parent Resource Guide
Babysitter Safety Booklet ask for booklet #12 1-800-843-5678
Beechnut’s mailing list, coupons 1-800-523 6633 more free baby stuff & coupons
Enjoy the baby freebies!
Free toy from Toys R Us

Get a free toy from Toys R Us between October 11th and 13th. This is a really great freebie! Choose between a Hotwheels or Littlest Petshop toy. That means a great free toy for your son or daughter! Or maybe even yourself! Click here to get the free toy coupon!
Free Stuff Finder Toolbar- a new tool for my readers!
I just created a great new tool for all of my readers. It’s the free-stuff-finder toolbar! Get the latest freebies as well as exclusive freebie links with our free toolbar. Our toolbar is 100% spyware and adware free. I promise there is NO spyware or Adware! Become a part of the Free-Stuff-Finder community! Also get access to exclusive free contests and giveaways not available on the site! Hurry up and get the FREE toolbar! Get the free toolbar at
Free coupon for Free large Dr. Pepper from Chic-Fil-A
The first 300,00 people will get a free coupon for a free large Dr. Pepper from Chic-Fill-A. Click here for this great freebie. Click here to find a store near you.
Free sample of Feline Greenies cat treats

Here is a great free sample for your cat. These free cat treats may be a nice change of pace for your kitty. This product seems much less “commercial†thank many other cat treat brands. Get this great free sample of cat treats by clicking here! Enjoy the free sample!
Do you love free stuff? Then join the Facebook group!

If you love getting free stuff then join the “I love free stuff†facebook group. This is a new group that I started and it is a great place to share your own freebies and frugal lifestyle tips! Join the “I love free stuff†group on Facebook by clicking here!
Free sample of Clean & Clear Morning Burst face scrub

Freshen up with this great freebie. Get a free sample of Clean & Clear Morning Burst with face wash with shine control. This great free sample will jumpstart your day. Get this free sample at