• Money Tips: Save Money for Kids Sports

    Having kids involved in sports can be a big expense.  Have more than one child playing any given sport and you are looking at a budget buster!

    You can save money however by thinking smart, putting safety first and not waiting to until the last minute to buy gear.  Also keep an eye out for relevant coupons for extra savings. You will need to start with which sport your child is playing and what they will need.

    Once you have decided that your kids are going to participate in playing sports, you should be aware that they will need the proper equipment and protective gear.  Kids don’t think about safety, they just think about having fun and playing a game with their friends. So parents need to put safety first.

    When you know the season is getting ready to start, you’ll want to shop around and see which stores have the best selections, best prices and most of all the right fitting equipment.  Although some of the sporting equipment available is universal, it is important that you select proper fitting equipment that is correct for the sport and correct for your child’s size and shape. Here are some of the basics you’ll need.

    1. Mouth Guards

    Mouth guards are used in hockey, football, boxing and other contact sports. Mouth guards protect players from grinding their teeth, biting their tongue and offer some protection to teeth when other players fall, punch, or butt against the facial area.

    Having a correct fitting mouth guard can help prevent costly dental problems and jaw pain for your child.  Custom fitted mouth guards should be chosen over those that are a “one size fits all” type.  Although the mouth guards right off the shelf may be cheaper at first, adding in the costs associated with medical care for jaw pain or damage to the teeth will be far larger.  Invest your money  in the right area to be most cost effective and save money in the long run.

    2. Shoulder Pads

    Shoulder pads for football must fit your child’s body or you risk them not protecting the intended areas of the body. For a custom fit, chest measurements and shoulder span needs to be taken. Use these measurements when shopping for equipment, or visit a company site that offers this customization.

    3. Helmets

    Helmets are used in football, biking and other sports that expose a child to potential head injury. It is very  important that your child’s helmet is the right size. It should rest securely on the head, without moving, when the straps are tied. Occasionally modifications to the inner part of a helmet can be made to improve fit – however, it is best to take the time to find a good fit from the beginning.  Although you may think that if you buy a helmet that is a little bigger, you can use it again next year, this may do more harm than good.

    4. Golf Clubs

    More kids are golfing than ever, which means parents need to look for cost-effective clubs. Kids who want to better their game should purchase custom-fit golf clubs. The fitter will take your measurements and sometimes additional information in order to create clubs that best match your kid’s body. Custom fit clubs can reduce wrist and back injury in addition to improving performance.

    5. Baseball Bats

    When choosing baseball bats you should not pick any size and expect it to work well for your child. Proper bat length for a player is based on the player’s height and weight. For example, if your child is 4’10” and weighs 120 pounds, you would choose a bat that is of a different size than a bat for a child that is 5’2″ and 145 pounds. Bat weight also varies so this is important to take into consideration. The heavier your child is, the heavier the bat should be. Using the wrong size bat reduces the athletes performance and can cause injury.

    By knowing the correct type of equipment your child will need and knowing where to correctly spend your money will save time and money for parents.  Participating in sports can be a great physical activity for children and when parents make smart decisions, they can enhance the child’s performance and prevent costly injuries.

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