I get a lot of samples. That actually is a small statement most weeks. Some might say I am a “Sample-aholic”. On average, I land three samples a day, everyday in my mailbox. That means an average of 21 samples per week and nearly 100 a month. Now that’s a lot of free stuff! I started requesting samples when my second child was born and have not stopped since.
My son had a bit of a problem keeping things down as an infant. Since he had a lot of problems with reflux and I was frustrated with trying to find him a formula he could hold down. The thing was I did not have the budget for going out and buying can after can of formula. My pediatrician had a few samples but not what I really needed to properly play the field so to speak when it came to infant formula. So I decided to contact all of the companies that I knew made formula and ask them for help. I emailed them and told them my situation and they were more than happy to send out samples of their products. One company send a whole selection of their products and yet another sent me samples and a handful of coupons to save money on future purchases. I realized that if I took a little time out of each day, I could easily search for samples of anything the kids needed. So I continued requesting samples as he and his big brother got older. I filed out sample requests for diapers, formula, creams, snacks and even sippy cups. Pretty soon I was hooked! I realized all I had to do was fill out a form, make a short phone call and within weeks the samples came in.
The samples have some in handy over the last few years. We have donated samples that we don’t use (Depends and denture cream are two that come to mind) to local charities and even handed out samples as part of party gift bags. No one is going to turn down a goodie bag of sunblock, chapstick and aloe lotion samples at a summer beach bash or lotion and make up samples in a pretty little bag at a bachelorette party! The biggest thing we have noticed however is that the samples have helped us get through those lean months when we have come up short at the end of the month or when we needed something in a jam! Towards the end of the month I try and spend as little as possible and samples are key. They often get us through the week without having to spend anything for things like toothpaste, lotion and soap. Although I always try to stay well stocked, things happen and you never know when you are going to need that little tube of toothpaste to get by.
So if you have the time, it is worth it to start sampling. On average I spend 20-30 minutes a day, Monday thru Friday requesting samples. Although it might seem like a lot, the time goes quickly because I know that the pay off will be big. So get out there and sign up! Maybe you can “Save by Sampling!”